@misc{Szyszlak_Elżbieta_Etniczność_2015, author={Szyszlak, Elżbieta}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Oficyna Wydawnicza Arboretum}, language={pol}, abstract={The Romani minority is one of the largest ethnic groups in the Czech Republic. According to official statistics from the census of 2011, the Romani there number several thousand. However, the general view is that the Romani community is, in fact, far more numerous. It is said to be about 200-300 thousand. Additionally, it is not only a numerous minority but it also among the youngest, in which young people and children constitute the largest percentage. This allows us to predict a further increase in the population. Simultaneously, the Romani people in the Czech Republic are a community struggling with a number of problems, such as: social marginalization, poverty, high unemployment, limited access to education, crime, social pathologies and animosity on the part of the majority society. The concept of confronting Romani problems adopted in this publication, while on one hand allowing a presentation of the complexity of the situation of the minorities examined in the Czech Republic, on the other hand allowing a presentation of the impact of the “dual” nature of this community. In turn, from the perspective of research involving ethnic isues, it is significant to focus on national questins of great importance in the Czech Republic. This dissertation can also be seen in the approach to minority problematics in relation to security concerns. When referring to theories formed on the basis of securitology, and involving security in terms of individuals and social groups, I shall draw attention towards questions of cultural security for national and ethnic minorities as well as those related to minority securitization. This publication is supported by an analysis of security issues in the context of the problematics of national and ethnic minorities, which may be employed in the framework of research regarding immigrants. In the case of the Romani, it is apparent that the risks and problems categorized as "security" only partly result from their status as an ethnic minority. They result in part from their "immigrant" character to the Czech Republic - is the fact that today the Romani currently residing the Czech lands came from Slovakia after World War II. As a result, the problems faced by this minority can be directly applied to immigrant communities.}, title={Etniczność w kontekstach bezpieczeństwa}, keywords={Romani minority, Czech Republic, Roma in the Czech Republic, cultural security for ethnic minorities, securitization of minority}, }